Live Show Guidelines & Policies
Welcome to our Crystal Live Sales information page! My name is Krista Layne and I am the lead anchor and owner/creator of our Live True Lives on Instagram and Facebook. Please read our Live Vision and information for the tenants we live by during our Live Shows and transactions. These terms are subject to change as our business will continue to grow to work with and support our Live True Community.
Thank you for investing your love, time, and friendship here in our Live True Community. ​
Krista, President Live True LLC.
How Live True Crystal Lives Work
Our Live True Crystal Live shows were founded on July 24, 2021 and we have grown strong in community ever since!
Join us on Instagram every Tuesday 4pm EST and Wednesday at 12pm EST and join Live True's pop up events on our social media links at the bottom of our website pages. We will be growing audiences on Tik Tok and You Tube.
Every crystal is hand selected by Krista and in coordination with our collective current energy needs, paired with the overall vibration of what our atmosphere is presenting. Crystals and cleansing are curated to help our community of light workers navigate the current energy.
The crystals and cleansing you find with Live True are specific, and one-of-a-kind. We pray, cleanse, and handle our crystal and cleansing family with love and it is our mission to provide this love to your life through our products.
How to Engage in Live True Live Shows:
An item will be shown and it will be named with a number and a letter such as "6A." The number represents the price and the letter is the specific identifier. Our show has up to a 7 minute lag time and we will accept the first claim that shows on our screen. The name that appears first on your screen may be different than what our screen shows.
Instagram and Facebook may block your claims if it sees repetitive, "bot" like activity. Use an emoji to begin your claim to be seen more accurately if this begins to occur.
When the item is shown, please screen shot your claim. We will show the item again if you need to see it or have a question. We truly care and are committed to your satisfaction.
Simultaneously, because of our increased claim volume (thank you, Spirit!), we are respectfully requesting that you shop our website or Etsy store for additional crystals if you'd like to see more of our magic.
If we are able, we will show you different palms or items you request to see during "off-air" time and do apologize if we cannot meet your request because of the amount of orders and inquiries we are currently receiving (again, thank you, Jesus!)
How to Claim your Crystals and Cleansing
Please invest in your live order within 24 hours of claiming out our Live Claims tab on our home page or at the link in bio on Instagram. Also, the link will be posted in any Facebook group that you are viewing our Live Shows. Final payments for the week's Live Show claims is due Saturday at midnight!
Free Shipping-We recommend that if you plan to shop for the entire week, upon checking out each night, please select "porch pick-up" at check out to by-pass shipping costs. Shipping costs of live orders are a flat rate of $8.95. On the final night of lives, you can add your total from all of the nights and if your total reaches $80 or over, you are eligible for free shipping! Please leave your shipping address in the comment section so that we can manually enter your address for your shipping label.
Abandoned Carts-If you claim crystals and choose not to pay for your cart, we will send a reminder to you on the Friday following our Lives. Payment is required my Friday at midnight EST to be eligible to request future Live Show claims.
If you are on a live show and have a standing, overdue and unpaid cart with Live True (past the Thursday at midnight thresh hold), we will not accept any claims until your cart is paid. If you have abandoned your cart beyond our window, all items will be put back for their new homes.​ If claims continue throughout the live, we will guide you to the website to finish your order and to resist claiming until you execute this step.
During our Lives & Helpful Tips
Krista will be engaging in free angel readings throughout the Live Show. She will acquire a name for a reading, and regardless of whether you have a cart with Live True or not, Spirit will guide the reading to occur. Simply opt out and say, "no thank you" if you do not want a reading. She will never share highly personal information on camera about any of her customers. Spirit will have that conversation only in private.
Screen shot any items you claimed! Take note of the name as well. We send most crystals with Live True's beautiful crystal identification cards, yet if it is a new crystal to us, we will not have the card available just yet!
All crystal claims have a description section with your invoice listed there. Screen shot that as well for checking your order when it comes in.
Krista and team choose crystals for giveaway up to 100.00 every live show! As her business grows, so do the giveaways. Thank you for sharing our lives with your friends!
Our community is grounded in love, and only love lives here. Spirit will not permit darkness to enter and Krista was hand selected to lead like a warrior for the light. We will not accept bullying, slandering, and lead a drama- free zone! Our circle is surroundther led by mighty angels, and when you enter, expect to be come more into your authentic glow. Additionally, deep friendships and connections are formed here. Expect to feel less alone and more connected to like minded light workers.
We do our best to show all crystals accurately and thoroughly. All sales are final! You may write us at our chat feature with any concerns you have of the shipments once they are received.