Full Hunter's Moon in Aries

The Full Moon October 13, 2019, will find us in a gentler, more delicate state of being. The tides have turned and once again we are rounding out our experiences of trial and error while confronting the choices we could have made all along. We will recognize that we were rather comfortable so the shift so to experience a different pattern of living was pushed out of view for a little longer. The frustration builds when we face the choices and moments within our own lives, and have the ability to freely choose a different course of action, yet have forsaken our inner passions and desires to live in the comfort of the next familiar moment instead of breaking trail onto the new journey.
The cycle of familiarity and safety can cause us to choose to rest in the primal urge to remain the same (safe), status quo (safe), and unchanging to a degree. Another choice can be decided at any given moment though, which will cause us to reroute from the primal brain and learn a new pattern of living and a new rhythm to walk and dance with. True, we will feel as though we are in a foreign land at first, and oftentimes the way we finally notice our infinite power is when we shift from the comfort zone of the familiar into the changing spaces and places of the unknown.
The Full Moon energy comes with a promise of accessing unimaginable energy for releasing power. When patterns of familiarity are closing in on their expiration date, what feelings come along with that? Maybe there is uncertainty within the heart center of what to do or whether our senses are true. Standing still in the comfort zone may feel like the answer for this moment. And that is perfect (for now) too. Our one and only responsibility traveling along this life path, is to ask of our souls, “what shall I release now and welcome next?” Trust that the first visualization, words, or noises heard, scents experienced, are the miraculous clues from the divine source that your spirit is leading the conversation. Send a signal back to it that it was felt, heard, seen by saying, “yes” or writing down what comes in the mind’s eye or other senses. The promise of more support, clarity, and guidance will follow. Our divine guides throw a party when we choose to listen! Tapping into the inner guidance by asking thyself, “what next” is the one, true form of seeking accurate wisdom. Now, the body is being trained to go within and tap into the divine guidance that is housed underneath the world’s conditioning. Allow the full moon’s energy conjunct with the alignment of the plants at this time to be the catapulting energy to propel us into the next level of consciousness. Practice this routine of asking and receiving daily and divine support expands each time it is commanded.
Write down now what shall be released now. Write it on a slip of paper, words, feelings, smells, sounds that you hear. Visualize the outdated and imagine what shall replace it now. Light a match and burn the releasing words written.
Say with intention and focus, “I release this now and welcome in what is next.”
Choose the blessings that will replace the outdated by imagining as you replace the released pieces with the new. If nothing comes to the mind’s eye, insert the one, truest form of inspiration, love. “I now replace this with unconditional love. And so it is.” Unconditional love is all-encompassing and soul inspiring. Whether your physical being is ready and inspired to attract the soul connection of a divine partner, a new business venture, a sale of a home, whatever shall be manifested moving forward, shall also be clarified with loving, divine support as our feet and legs become more aware of the new trail we are creating and walking.
Walking a new pathway can feel lonely at times. Maybe friends from the old trail are comfortable staying there while we were prepared soulfully to move to the new. Solitude can feel scary at times and is also part of the process of awakening to the new life. Solitude is where our angels and guides are heard and seen more clearly. Solitude assists the soul in developing our spiritual gifts for helping other souls walking this journey. Solitude is the space where we learn gratitude and fearlessness. It’s ok. It’s not for long. Four years will fly by with a click of the fingers. When we look back, we will realize the transformation, love, and growth we gave to ourselves. And we shall be grateful that we started and accepted the gift of the shift when we did.
For more support, physical guidance, coaching, or tools for assisting your soul awakening journey and transformation, contact Krista at the “let’s chat” pop up in the lower right-hand corner at www.lovelivetrue.com.
Visit our Apothecary for Crystal healing and space & energy clearing tools at https://www.lovelivetrue.com/healingapothecary
We’re all in this together. Sending you love and the healing light. Blessed be,