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New Moon in Cancer + Solar Eclipse

Death & Rebirth

The New Moon in Cancer is coming to us on July 2, 2019 with a solar eclipse. We are in eclipse season, and July will unfold with both a solar and lunar eclipse in the same month. Additionally, there is about to be 5 more planets going retrograde, and specifically Mercury which will be on July 7, 2019. With an energetic synchronicity such as this, we are bound for the greatest death and rebirth that we may have known in quite some time.

Death feels dark and rough and something that we would rather not know ahead of time, for the impact may feel far too great to bare. Possibly so great, it doesn’t feel worth it to change. However, death defined in this case is “the death of the old and outdated.” The death to what no longer serves the ever evolving and transforming soul. Forget what social conditioning has taught us about following things through and seeing things to their completion. In this very unconventional way of seeing things, the universe is asking US to decide when the completion date shall be and then “call it a day.”

Out with the old and in with the new. Think of this shift like a full messy closet in need of a clean out.. When we have a closet full of outdated clothes, we can’t possibly keep a lifetime of those and easily cram new ones into the overflow. Have you ever had a full closet? Have you tried finding things in there? And so this is the story of our lives. We must be willing to part ways with the out-of-date purple jumpsuit, so that we can make room for the miracles the universe has in store.

Rebirth is the brightness of the new. Like fresh, spring flowers, life will hit an all time high of momentum and color for manifesting the dreams that have been waiting in the wings to come to life. Any dream of our choosing, it has potentiality now to come to full life. Because the brave ones take the leap. There is no mistaking this one. We are all brave and we will all be leaping one way or another. We are in this together.

Saying goodbye. Saying hello. Settling on the house. Selling the house. Leaving the job. Manifesting the promotion. Cleaning out the closets. And the universe sees the nod of intention and begins moving in rhythm with our soul’s calling. More to come on this in the coming week’s blog of Mercury Retrograde.

Now, for the New Moon in Cancer paired with the Solar Eclipse. This is a lovely beautiful time to notice the elegance and beauty of every square inch of life. The cancer astrological sign reminds us of how beautiful and alluring we have been created to be in this life. We will notice that we are ultimate attractors and extra appealing. We are like magnets for attracting what we want because of the energy of beauty that comes to us at this time.

Embrace the blessings and know that we all have the ability to take action when we see and notice how powerfully we attract what we focus on during this new moon. Every soul has the opportunity to embody this sign’s energy as we welcome the New Moon of new life!

Cancer is also known to hold onto to details of situations and the feelings that come with them while covering their truest feelings. This can cause an awkwardness that can sometimes make situations difficult to work through and in turn can build frustration. This energy will also be felt at this time. When the frustration builds, there are different ways we can release the energy.

Tip: When frustrations arise, keep paper close by and write it down. Burn the frustration or worry over a bowl of water while watching the frustration evaporate.

After all, the New Moon is a ripe time for manifesting, rather than getting caught up in the cycles of frustrating communication.

During this time, we have ample opportunity to create and manifest awesome business plans and increased wealth. The cancer sign has a track record of being great business people while managing money effectively. This is the opportunity for the people of this world to gain momentum on their business affairs while manifesting wealth in the near future.

Finally, this very specific, new moon energy comes with an “inward approach.” Remembering that turning inward at this time will be a sign of self-love and extreme self-care. Souls may notice increased solitude and may be requiring more alone time than normal as new creations can now come to life. Solitude is not to be confused with loneliness. Solitude is an extreme act of self love and healing. And while new blessings are coming to be, outdated living patterns may also be released. And there is a time of quiet and stillness, and possible mourning that comes with that release.

During this highly energetic month, remaining consistent to rituals and routines to support the soul will prove to be the perfect medicine for walking through the unknown and the newness of saying goodbye and hello to things.

Journaling will help the spirit speak through the emotions of it all, rather than drown in them.

Lighting a candle in honor of life assists with the blessing of what came before, what lives now, and what is yet to come. Honoring all of it and blessing every step of it will lay out the pathway to know where we are to walk next.

Salt Baths consistently remain one of the number treatments for clearing the chakra energy system which is where all things flow (or don’t flow). Healing salt baths draw out toxins from the body and also balance the body for healing and transformation. Additionally, minerals are introduced for healing that normally cannot enter the body.

Prayer. Pray like the warrior you are.

New Moon blessings to all of you soulful, bright, light workers of the world. We are in this together. Every step of the way. My soul honors the soul that you are. We can see the honor in each other’s eyes. We are never alone, even when it seems like the world has gone quiet. We are soulfully, voluntarily, wholeheartedly in this together! Live and love true! Today and forevermore.

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