New Moon in Cancer, June 28, 2022 all comes down to how you choose to live and love within your days around this energetically sensitive time. You may feel an equal pull between love and light as you do with diving to the depths of the shadow resting within. Now is the time to act with intention by intentionally choosing the energy that you desire and want to embody during this time.

As Yasmin Boland of Moonology Diary 2022 writes,
"The first two alignments happening after the New Moon (and therefor flavoring it) are vastly different from each other. First, we have a loving, beautiful and joyous link between Venus and Jupiter. Venus cares while Jupiter amplifies, so there is a lot of love... however, this is somewhat challenged by the clash of angry Mars with eruptive Pluto, which is also demanding our attention."
The New Moon in Cancer will be used at its maximum energetic level by considering exactly the energy you desire and want to manifest at this time. Self awareness activated will help to align deliberately to the energetic pull that benefits your vessel for the next level of manifesting. If you are feeling pulled to anything different than love, there will be great benefit in recalibrating your energy with Spirit through meditation, journaling, exercise, prayer, and crystal healing can assist with gaining accurate information, directly from source.
Consider pausing and providing to Spirit a portal through a quiet mind to interpret the truest language of the soul. Intuitive downloads will want to come in hot and ready for action. With the sacred New Moon nestled in Cancer, now is a time where intuitive hits and soul contracting awareness will want to step forward to be witnessed and felt. The awareness of soul connections and intuitive hits will cause spiritual giftedness to strengthen and prosper at this time.
As a counter to the increased magical flow of living, one may also feel a strong pull toward a slightly chaotic dance with the shadow side of the self. The key in this energy is to maintain focus, alignment and intentionality of how you would like your energy to dance and play with the planetary pull of this New Moon in Cancer.
Astrology Oracle and Intuitive Crystal Readings
Dear Aries, there could be a split feeling during this New Moon energy. You may be feeling like you finally "belong" here, paired with the deep desire of no longer wanting to feel alone and alien to this world and life. The key to balancing the two emotions is to settle into what Gary Zukav calls The Seat of the Soul. Wherever you have come to know your most authentic self, find your soul wanting to experience more of those authentic and magical moments at this time. You are no longer wiling to go back to a life of pretending to be someone different than who you are in order to be loved and accepted, and you may not be necessarily prepared to step the whole way into where Spirit is actually leading you now at this time for your life. Find your internal sanctuary by using your tried and true methods of journaling, meditation, exercise, walking, or nature and sit in that seat with yourself as you wait out this energy.
Taurus, your root chakra is shining so very bright and now and ready for further activation and grounding. Tis the season to find yourself at an incredibly deep level! Now could be the perfect time to plan a quick getaway where distractions lessen and connection with self increases. The superficial interests of the world are no longer consuming your attention and life. Now is the time to connect to the energy that helped form your foundation in this. one, particular lifetime. This energy carries the wisdom of what is beginning at this time in your life. What early learning connections did you get swept away with at such a "young" physical life age? This is a key clarifier for the vision that is sitting inside of you to move forward. This wisdom is ready to blossom and carry through into a blossoming phase that is coming soon.
Prosperity is prepared to hit an all-time high within your life, and physical cash reward may be literally feeling like it is "falling from the sky." The key to accepting this abundance now is to witness the value and worthiness you believe that you have within yourself. How worthy are you to receive this form of prosperity? in your mind and body to receive the physical blessings that Spirit is prepared to pour into your life. This is a dynamic moment of reflection and acceptance that you have infinite value and no number can be placed upon your infinite spirit. Decide with intentionality exactly HOW you will choose to accept the abundance that is coming into your life.
Deep reflection of self may be coming forward during the New Moon within your very own sign! Now is the time where deep reflection and cleansing of the vessel may want to occur in order to get in touch with a deeper understanding of your own self. Cleansing, clarifying, and feeding your body only the higher level nutrients may turn into your priority as you walk into this next year of your life. With clarity comes deeper intuition, wisdom, and insight. Giftedness will become clearer and magnified and purpose for living will now take center stage. Like the owl, you will begin to see straight through the shadows and offer to shed light into the darker realms because you have known the experience of doing this yourself. You have created a road map that can now be offered to others. Clarity is awakening inside of you now. Congratulations, Cancer!
The realms within you run deep,Leo and during this New Moon in Cancer, you may unearth the most unbecoming parts of yourself that you have permitted love and light to cover over until now. Truth within you will want to surface during this dynamic and sensitive New Moon, which will unearth the darkest portions of your hidden away desires and shadows that have been suppressed for a lengthy period of time. Although fears will want to rear their ugly and outdated heads, this is a prime time to capture the essence of where your internal strength is housed to bring upon a new vision that is wanting to come to the surface for its own nurturing and blossoming into actual manifestation. Nothing is a loss and no hairy scary monster is ever too giant for the eternal power that is within you. Now is the perfect energy to face all of these beings and to begin integrating them back to the light.
Connections blossom and manifest at this time for you, Virgo. Beautiful connections want to begin to grow in your life and also new alliances. This can be a very attractive time for the Virgo as the world may feel like it is at your fingertips and ready for all relationships to become ripe and fruitful. The reality is, you will be an attractor of many different types of new connections and relationships, some of which will require strong boundaries and clear guidelines around them for your own vessel remain healthy. But for today, you can bask in your attractive qualities that are drawing many close to you right now. Some relationships will be dynamic to leverage in business while other relationships may actually be soul partnerships for a lifetime, always meant for blossoming.
You may find yourself taking significant inventory of where your life is going and what is actually driving it. Libra, you are also recognizing that which is consuming your time, energy and focus right now. You may be tuning into your deep yearning of doing more and more of what lights your soul ablaze and releasing incredible amounts of that which burdens your Spirit and causes quick and paralyzing fatigue. Energy is becoming the center of your world right now and that which zaps your energetic fuel is causing you to pause and evaluate its role that it has in your life. Work and career changes may come soon as a result of the feelings that are draining you from this daily life task and responsibility. Take a moment right now and list all of the things that your closest friends and family say that you are known for doing in this world. This is also your key to moving forward into infinite amounts of energy that is fueled by working all of the time in your zone of genius.
That which you have forever held onto for meaning and purpose may be losing your grip quickly and is running through your fingers as though you may be losing it for good. The truth? It's meant to be lost so that the infinite can be found. The earthly possessions and roles we find ourselves attached to can often cause a divide between our souls in connection to the eternal Spirit. Allow for this time that may be feeling uncertain to be a sign to spend time re identifying with your true self. This could be the first time you have been fully forced in this direction and now is the time where Spirit is bringing you closer to the eternal and simultaneously separating your vessel from that which is fleeting. Schedule time with only yourself and away from anything that you find yourself constantly tending to, controlling, or tending to on a daily basis.
Transformation, growth, and facing that which is difficult to open your eyes to is a big portion of where your energy is becoming accustomed to during this time of your life. Allow the flow of testing old beliefs come full circle to clarify more of where you are going and can actually break through and move closer toward now. Have you been feeling like limits face you the minute you step into a new energy or up-level? You comfort zones are being consistently tested and broken open. You are destined for growth, greatness, and new levels of prosperity prosperity for one big reason. You are being aligned to use this abundance to build the kingdom and our collective. You have a divine destiny that is ready to come into full bloom now. Be aware of your energy during this time and clarify to yourself how you will choose to feel as you move forward.
Partnerships are forming and blossoming now during the energy of this New Moon in Cancer. Business partnerships maybe growing and forming as well as romantic partnerships. Be aware of how you are allowing all of these relationships to take form in your life. It may almost feel too easy right now, which may allow just about anyone to have access to you. Be aware. Spend time with yourself and also evaluate how much information you are choosing to share with each of the new relationships that are now coming forward. Some relationships will assist with growing the stronger parts of yourself. Others will cause some confusion and negative energy. Schedule time with your new friends and partners carefully and with wisdom. Trust your gut and senses as they come to you. You are right.
Crystal Reading: Fire Quartz for clarifying confusing situations and relationships. Focus and free your heart!
Daily routines may be causing stumbling blocks and barriers to the passions that are stirring inside of you. Plan very deliberately during this New Moon. Remember, that which is left to the ethers to decide without intentional energy can leave one living inside of a rather randomized life-style. Learn to be intentional and to control how and where energy flows. What is calling for your attention that you have purposefully turned away from to create ease and less fighting in your life? What is calling for less attention that often gets more of you than it actually deserves or requires? Consider flipping the two and watch the way that health develops within you and within those areas over time. Nothing beats a life of intention and connection. When your time is allotted thoughtfully and with precision, clarity comes and your deepest desires will manifest into your incredible reality.

You are finding yourself, Pisces. You may have lived a whole lifetime and never realized how much you have been missing until just now. If you are feeling like you are about to hit a breaking point, you are in the perfect space. Do not give up now. You are breaking open and free of the limits that were left confining your one, wild, intuitive spirit this whole time. There is no better person to be than yourself and we are all thanking the heavens we have beautiful angels like our Pisces walking with us here on earth. Please never get this confused either-you are a human with real feelings and obstacles that cause shadows to surface and more growth to occur. It is the perfect energy to give yourself permission to be exactly as you are. Spread your wings wide and be ready to fly! You are a fast learner and the universe is infinite along with your potential.
Crystal Reading: Peach Moonstone to nurture the pieces that were hidden from view.
We always pray you connect with our oracles and information at a soul level. Thank you for joining us once again during our beautiful moon cycle!
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